A Decision Requires Action

Kristina BrummerMade to Do This, Soul Excellence Leave a Comment

“A real decision is measured by the fact that you’ve taken a new action. If there’s no action, you haven’t truly decided.” – Tony Robbins

I love this quote. It’s so relatable, right? I felt its truth instantly.

You’ve decided to eat better, but somehow Reese’s peanut butter cups still sneak into your shopping cart. You’ve decided to work on those biceps and even buy weights from Amazon, but they sit there on the floor next to the TV. You’ve decided to start a podcast and buy a microphone, but you sit in the closet afraid to record your first one.

I’m not speaking from experience here at all 😆!

Isn’t this so true? We make a decision in our mind – we even say it aloud with our words – but we don’t act. So, as Tony challenges us here, did we ever really make a decision? Or did we just share a dream?

Our actions are our decisions.

Nothing that we say is a decision. Action is the only proof that we have made a decision in our lives.

But we stall. We wait. We fear. We analyze. We overthink. We say “I will soon” or “When I’m ready” or “When I’m perfect” or “When I’m healed” or “When I get this money”. Our minds love the task of creating excuses for decision – for action.

I’ve been inspired by the many women I see out in the world taking imperfect action. Whether it’s Cathy Heller, Marie Forleo, or Kelsey Murphy, these women know the value of taking action before you’re ready and being messy. I am embracing this philosophy more and more each day.

This blog is a messy decision. My podcast is another imperfect action. Soul Excellence is a work in progress. But I am making decisions, it’s evident in my actions, and it feels amazing.

Action = momentum = impact = more action = more momentum = more impact

I left my heart in San Francisco on February 29, 2020 ❤️

I’m writing to you from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida this morning – 3,000 miles from where I was yesterday in San Francisco. I’ve made a decision – we’ve moved across the country! We’ve decided to accept an opportunity from my fiance’s mother to live rent free in a condo that she owns while we pour ourselves into our respective ventures.

Who knows if we’ll acclimate to the heat or enjoy living in a high rise – it doesn’t really matter right now! What matters is that we acted – we shook things up – we put ourselves in a new environment – we made an unconventional decision by the standards of most of my California friends – but we did it, and here we are. (Lol – well at least I am here at this very moment thanks to a flight across the country; Renata is en route with Skye, the U-Haul, and the car – I know that I lucked out big time here!)

So here’s to a transition. Here’s to action. Here’s to no longer waiting to be ready. Here’s to life!

And here’s to you and your decisions!

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