A midweek check-in on integrity

Kayleigh OKeefeBusiness, Soul Excellence, Uncategorized Leave a Comment

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Wednesdays are for wisdom. For taking a moment in the middle of the week to pause, reflect, and ask ourselves – how am I doing?

Where have I done well?

Where have I slipped up?

Wednesdays are not to be treated as dreaded hump days!

They are to be honored for their gift of re-alignment.

>> I believe that our public education system is not operating from a place of integrity. Listen to today’s podcast – What the Pandemic Has Cost Our Nation’s Children to learn why. <<

It’s one of the reasons I cherish my Wednesday evening business mastermind meetings – to check in with other purpose-driven female entrepreneurs and be held accountable for what I said I would do the week before.

Today’s virtue is INTEGRITY.

INTEGRITY invites us to “keep faith with our ideals and live by our deepest values.”

“We cherish the challenge of doing the right thing in all circumstances. We give our excellence to whatever we undertake.”

INTEGRITY comes from the Latin word integer, meaning “to make whole”. We know that we are living in integrity when our conscious is clear and our heart is open.

We know that we are out of INTEGRITY when we our quick to judge others and blame people for our problems.

Integrity = walking our talk

Today, I invite you to turn inward and recommit yourself to your INTEGRITY. Look back over the last two days:

  • Did you follow through on your promises?
  • Did you avoid rushing to judgment about a colleague – or a headline?
  • Did you do the right thing?

What I love about INTEGRITY is that it super-charges EXCELLENCE. Instead of living in fear, we get to live in inspiration.

There are a couple things that I’ve procrastinated on this week – specifically writing my introduction for our upcoming book – Significant Women – launching April 16th! Today, I’m called to live back in my integrity and commit my focus to honoring the women in this book – and all of the leaders that will read it – with a beautiful welcome.

What does INTEGRITY mean to you?


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