Are You Sharing from a Place of Process or a Place of Leadership?

Kristina BrummerSoul Excellence Leave a Comment

I love being on the Soul Excellence journey, because I get to work with and become friends with amazing people. I invest a ton in myself and surround myself with mentors, guides, and coaches who each help me to grow and expand into better and better versions of myself. I love the feeling of breaking through an upper limit and suddenly having an even bigger dream for myself come into my awareness!

The tides at Crissy Field, Feb 2020.

One of these recent guides for me has been my friend Natalie Murray. I met Natalie at Cyndie Silbert’s Feminine Mastery retreat on Maui in September of 2018. We were roommates at Lumeria and great ones at that!

Since then, I’ve participated in Nat’s life-changing online Boundary Queen work, and then I invested further by allowing Nat to guide me through Creatrix, a process designed to “unlearn your issues at the very root until they drop away, no longer are needed, and replaced with much higher emotional and mental intelligence.” This work has been monumental in catapulting me forward in my life and freeing me to act on my desire – launching and living soul excellence. I will definitely share more in a future post about the work and the freedom it’s given me!

Not only did Nat and I accomplish something amazing together – helping me to release deep-seated shame, frustration, embarrassment, and judgment in just three sessions with no therapy– but Nat also guided me toward an amazing resource today that again catapulted me forward. She shared an online workshop about finding your niche hosted by Leigh Jane Woodgate. Check Leigh out and download her 3 Essential Steps to Success Checklist!

The one thing that I wanted to share with you was this question she asked about the content we are putting out into the world –

“Are you sharing from a place of process or a place of leadership?”

– Leigh Jane Woodgate

Holy cow! This quote hit me!

Leigh shared that yes, we all love reading vulnerable content, but that we don’t have to hear the nitty gritty details. She warns that it might feel cathartic to share BUT “if you are in it, be in it” and it’s not time to share yet. You know that you are ready to share from a place of leadership when you can see the lessons learned, when you can recognize what was going on, how you solved it, how you felt, the impact that the shift created, etc. It is from this place – of leadership and inspiration – that we should be sharing publicly.

I LOVE THIS IDEA. Leigh goes on to say that we embody our content – what we put out there. I interpreted this as if I share when “I’m in it,” then I run the risk of sharing – and therefore embodying – the struggle, the disappointment, the mistake, or whatever it is. How much more amazing would it be to share – and then embody – the leader who has experienced a fall, learned something, gotten back up, and now can share that inspiration with the world?

I’m sharing this concept with you because I think it’s amazing, and I also want to hold myself accountable to sharing on this blog from this place of leadership, not processing.

I feel like I’ve been doing a good job of that at the moment, with posts like the one where I shared what I learned from my 360 feedback at Snapdocs. I couldn’t have written that post back in September when I received the feedback and was processing it. If I had, I would embodied that negative energy and a sense of shame. Now, after I’ve had months to process it, I can share from a place of leadership and embody being a woman who is self-aware, who wants to learn and grow, and who is grateful for feedback and redirection in life.

I also can see how I will “be in it” a lot this year as I embark on this journey with Soul Excellence, so I commit to sharing when I’ve learned something in the process, not when I am crying in the shower!

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