I burned $20,000 to start my business 🤦‍♀️ …

Kristina BrummerLeadership, Soul Excellence Leave a Comment

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I left my career in tech back in February to follow my dream to become an entrepreneur.

8 months – and one global pandemic later – I’m proud to share that I’ve built a business that serves leaders, creates meaningful experiences, and allows me to lead with my Soul Excellence!

Now here’s the embarrassing part.

I spent over $20,000 this year on business coaching programs that didn’t work.  Not that they don’t work for some people, but they didn’t work for me. And I suspect if you’re a high-performer in corporate, they won’t work for you either. Why? Read on.

P.S. – If you’re ready to start your own venture in. 2021, join me in my  8-week Soul Excellence Leadership Accelerator & Mastermind.

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So here’s the deal.

I made bad investments in:

  • large group programs like Impacting Millions ($2,500) to get media coverage for ideas I hadn’t distilled yet and
  • B-School ($2,000) where I was one of thousands of students worrying about my ideal customer avatar
  • mid-sized group programs like Ron Reich’s A-Player Academy that were all about launching when I hadn’t really found my product/service yet ($2,250)
  • various 1:1 and smaller group business coaching that was either all about execution (too tactical) or all about mindset (too theoretical) ($11,000)

To be fair, I made some great connections with my fellow participants! And I deeply respect the amazing businesses that the leaders of these programs have built. Their success inspires me.

It’s just that for a high-performer from corporate, I wanted in-depth attention, immediate feedback and coaching, and permission to experiment.

Three of the best investments that I made this year were:

  1. Grounding myself in my values and principles in a Business Accelerator (permission to become bolder) & connecting with prospects in a meaningful way via a Sales Accelerator 
  2. Writing a chapter for the best-selling book Awakening  – this opened up a whole new world for me (and gave me permission to express)
  3. Receiving my publishing certification and learning the ins and outs of publishing important books with multiple authors (aligned business model) 

These three investments – combined – cost me only $10,000. 

Here’s what these experiences all had in common. They – 

  1. Encouraged me to find my voice and express without fear. If you want to take the very first step on your journey – without leaving your corporate job – then write! You could even apply to write a chapter in my next book Significant Women: Leaders Reveal What Matters Most – and you’ll start to uncover more parts of yourself as a leader
  2. Grounded me in my true self. Hello values and principles document hanging on my wall and guiding me to make quicker decisions
  3. Involved real-time feedback from the leaders of these programs – we were constantly voice messaging and solving challenges as they came up – not weeks later. Momentum is everything when you starting out.
  4. Included being in a small group of high-caliber leaders. I’ve found that 8 is a perfectly sized group for these kind of experiences. I learned SO MUCH about myself – and my hang ups – by seeing a fellow entrepreneur struggle, receive guidance, and work through an issue.

Here’s what I learned – if you are a values-aligned leader in corporate who is looking to make the leap and start your own venture – be that a company, a foundation, a movement, a platform – what you need to give yourself is: 

  • permission to be a bigger, bolder version of you – who are you without the corporate title?
  • access to your soul-aligned core messages – what did you come here to express?
  • opportunity to create a revenue model aligned to who you are – and a new network of friendships to support you on this journey – how do give value and receive money?

Don’t waste 8 months. Get there in 8 weeks.

Don’t waste $20,000. I spent all the $ so you don’t have to! Get there for way less. 

Don’t wait for things to return to normal. Follow your dream right now. 

Apply now to be 1 of 8 female leaders in my Soul Excellence Leadership Star Accelerator and Mastermind.

You’ll be a part of a special group of soulful, action-oriented women who are ready to step into the next version of themselves and reset their life’s trajectory. 


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