Podcast Episode 5 – How a Spanish Pilgrimage Showed Me The Way

Kristina BrummerPodcast, Soul Excellence Leave a Comment

Listen to the latest episode of The Soul Excellence Podcast – How a Spanish Pilgrimage Showed Me The Way.

This podcast is a deeper dive into my thoughts from yesterday’s blog post on the Soul Excellence Logo and Symbolism.

Here are the show notes – enjoy!

What journey are you on right now? What do you love about it? What is inspiring you? Who are you meeting? What are you learning? 

In this episode of The Soul Excellence Podcast, I share about the serendipitous symbolism of the Soul Excellence logo, share my experience on The Way of St. James pilgrimage through Spain and Portugal, and express my love for four families in Spain, Nicaragua, Bolivia, and Argentina that have played a big role in helping my to reconnect to my soul excellence. 

Overview of this episode 

00:40 T-Minus four days to Florida! 

04:00 How a Designer at Fivver read my soul and designed a beautiful logo

12:00 Why I went on the Camino de Santiago twice and how it reflects who I am naturally

21:00 What I experienced and learned from four families who opened up their homes to me – in Spain, Nicaragua, Bolivia, and Argentina

Takeaways from this episode

  1. Images can say more than words – this one’s obvious, but now that a logo exists for Soul Excellence, I feel more inspired and clearer on what it means.
  2. It’s a feeling – which experiences have you had that make you feel most you? For me, being on The Camino reflected so much of what I stand for and care about.
  3. Love and lessons are everywhere – it’s beautiful to spend time with people who live differently than you to see that love and things to learn are everywhere!

Mentioned in this episode

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