Podcast Episode 7 – How to Use Your Body AND Mind to Feel Embodied

Kristina BrummerPodcast Leave a Comment

Check out the latest episode of The Soul Excellence podcast, and don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review!

Note: I FINALLY figured out how to improve the audio quality. I hope you enjoy this higher quality episode!

What if being embodied is the secret to unlocking the power of our mind – our intellect – and that by being embodied we can draw forth the most productive – most useful – highest order – thoughts? And allow the low-vibration negative self-defeating thoughts to disappear?

New recording studio 😆

Do you ever find yourself in a yoga class doing the poses, but thinking about your to-do list or what’s for dinner? Is your mind racing before walking into a big meeting? Have you ever wondered what it feels like to feel totally calm, connected, and confident? 

In this episode, I share how we can use our mind to create the structure for us to then use our breath to feel embodied and represent our highest self out into the world. 

You’ll notice a funky, tropical house soundtrack in today’s episode because, hey, I’m in Florida, and why not! Let’s have some fun together! 

Overview of the Episode

00:40 Questions to consider whether or not you’ve been embodied

03:40 How four different yoga teachers embodied their values and energized the room

06:50 What is embodiment?

07:40 What is the power of embodiment

08:20 Four questions to ask yourself about your level of embodiment

10:50 Get into your body right now! 12:45 What turned Kayleigh onto embodiment

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