Sneak Peek đź‘€ of the Stories in Leading Through the Pandemic

Kayleigh OKeefeLeadership, Soul Excellence Leave a Comment

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Chapters are in! 

Edits are being worked through.

And January 15th is the launch date!

Here’s a sneak peek at the incredible leaders who have stepped up to share the lows and highs of 2020 – and what it means for all of us as leaders in the 21st century. 

In this leadership book you’ll meet….

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Ashish who was under the microscope while leading his global team

Amy who was laid off and worked through the deep childhood trauma it brought up

Andrea who started The Kintsugi Movement to focus on human-centric leadership

Brendan who had to transition from manager-mentality to leader-mentality as he stepped into a new company and role – and a pandemic 

Brittany whose team had to shift from natural disaster cleanup to pandemic mobilization on a dime

Chandra who had to put his team of teams operating model to the test

Chantee who launched a platform – Unspoken Truths – to bring racial healing into the world 

Deepak who recognized the power of emotional contagion as the leader of his team

Hannah who as the head of a news room was living through and reporting on the pandemic

James Gilbert who had recently joined a startup and shifted his communication approach to unite his team 

James Jackson who had to lead the Utah Black Chamber of Commerce through a tumultuous year

Jen who lead a 400-person manufacturing plant that had to ramp up operations while managing safety concerns

Kasia who had to put her scientific background to use in guiding her company and colleagues through uncertainty

Michelle whose extroverted and outgoing nature was put to the test as she sat in the sandwich generation caring for elderly parents and her son

Marc who focused on paying it forward while he sought new ways to thrive as an entrepreneur 

Paul who launched a virtual governance conference and expanded his platform to create more diverse boardrooms worldwide

Ram who realized key leadership lessons from baking bread – and the patience and love it requires

Rick whose Christian faith provided clarity and hope as he helped people navigate the financial fallout of this year 

Sasha whose past transformational work as a conscious leader was put to the test as she inspired and led her team

Tina whose life of corporate travel ground to a sudden halt, instigating a depression that helped her to become a more authentic leader

Vivian who had to act quick to mobilize the human desire to help through her leadership at the American Red Cross

Wyatt who founded the 1% Better Club to help all people tap into the highest version of themselves 

These authentic leaders are showing the way ✨

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