Day 11: Go Outside and Pull Weeds
Time for a confession: I did not complete this daily challenge! Or, I should say I completed half of it – the going outside part ☀️, but I sure didn’t pull weeds 🌱
Instead we spent the entire day being San Francisco 49ers fans, and it was so freaking fun 🏈!
Bosa & Kittle Loved this vantage point We’re Number 1!
We learned how to navigate the Caltrain and VTA systems to arrive at Levi’s Stadium by 11:30 am. We made new friends along the route and in the stands. We embraced the team by donning hot new jerseys to honor Nick Bosa and George Kittle. We celebrated America with a tear-jerking rendition of the National Anthem and a picture-perfect military jet flyover. I even tried my first ever Beyond Meat sausage and it was mouth-watering delicious.
We had perfect seats up-top, at the end of the row on the aisle on the forty yard line. We bathed in the warm sunlight. We could see every coverage and watch every play develop. We learned what happens after a 49ers first down – Ah-oo, Ah-oo, Ah-oo! We developed a sense of respect for the franchise’s five Super Bowel championships, and we marveled at how much better the game was in person than watching from home and listening to Tony Romo’s annoying play predictions. We had a ball, and it felt so good to dominate the game and come out with a massive victory.
When we finally made it home, we kicked off our shoes and watered the house plants 😊, and felt darn good about a day well spent enjoying the Bay Area and rooting hard for the home team.