The Best Election Day Ever! (I’m Not Kidding)

Kristina BrummerHealth, Leadership, Soul Excellence Leave a Comment

Tuesday, November 3rd Election Day was also the fourth day of a seven day detox that I am participating in as a member of The Spaceholder’s Sanctuary, an online group for entrepreneurs led by the incredible Tamala Ridge out of Australia. After making it through a really grump Day 3, I didn’t anticipate the gifts of a clear head and heart on Day 4!

Here’s what transpired for me on election day – 

I was up early at 7 am, cast my vote at the local Presbyterian Church 🇺🇸, and then drove 40 mins north to meet a colleague for tea. We are both building our publishing businesses for different audiences – me for corporate leaders and entrepreneurs and she for mothers. We sat outside and talked for over two hours – about the businesses we are building, the challenges in our personal lives, and our aspirations for the future. I left feeling grateful and inspired 🙏.

Friendship with a view.

I then stopped by a dear friend’s nearby where we chatted in her backyard with an incredible ocean view. We sat on her rooftop patio – her 3 month old daughter asleep next to us. I shared my idea on the mastermind I am creating – and I saw the excitement build in her eyes as I shared the vision ✨.

On the way home, I stopped at the grocery story to pick up more 🍋 and 🥬 to make my salad. I opened my laptop for the first time at 4 PM – a blessing on this particular day – and accomplished my daily goals easily within a couple hours.

To top it all off, my South African neighbor invited me to an election party where the most delicious looking risotto balls, sausage, and chicken skewers were served – along with copious amounts of South African red wines 🍷!

The temptation was strong. And I felt the support of the Sanctuary as I declined the mouth-watering spread. I brought my sparkling water and heated up my soup to bring down to the pool when it was time to eat.

It turned out that the TV by the pool turns off after 8 pm, which created the most perfect atmosphere to converse and make new friends –

Erin who invited us all to go skiing in December;

Diana who goes to the yoga studio I go to;

Michael the South African yachty who is living on a boat down the road;

Josh the guy I’ve seen in the clubroom but hadn’t introduced myself to before – the list goes on!

I wondered – how many people can say that they made 8 new friends on an election night 😆 ? And ones whom they did not agree with on politics!

The miracles of a detox.

I also witnessed the devolution of the party and conversation as everyone got drunker and drunker – I hadn’t witnessed that in a while.

I was reminded of my 5 years of sobriety from ages 25-30 – and how sad it was to watch the people around me go from witty conversationalists to hyperbolic jerks in such a short time. It was sad to remember how I can be that person. I felt grateful to make new friends and to return to my apartment early in the night

I relaxed in the tub, made a cup of tea, and called it The Best Day Ever. 💜

When we are clear and connected to ourselves and our values – we are unfazed by the whims of the world. 

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