What are you using your voice for?

Kristina BrummerLeadership Leave a Comment

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Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve spoken publicly a lot more than I’m used to.

I appeared on my first live streamed interview to express how Soul Excellence is the antidote to our current leadership vacuum. I joined the Sovereign Divinity podcast as a guest to share more about the Soul Excellence Leadership Archetypes (discover yours if you haven’t already!). I showed up regularly on Facebook live to teach on the archetypes. 

Through it all I began to realize that public speaking is one of the most important skills I need to cultivate in order to give voice to Soul Excellence and share the message with leaders worldwide. Naturally, I’ve started to explore all resources to support growing this skill 😆.

I’ve watched Chris Voss and Robin Robert’s masterclasses on authentic communication. I’ve dusted off an old copy of the book Made to Stick. I even invested in Roger Love’s Voice Coaching online program – now this has been SUPER fun since it’s encouraged me to record myself and practice playing with different speeds, pitches, and melodies. The program has even sparked a little fantasy that I just might be able to sing one day – maaaybe


If you’re a leader – your voice is one of your most powerful tools. 

Yet, we often spend so much time in our heads getting the words right that we overlook everything else that allows our message to connect with someone’s heart – our voice, our presence, our energy, our emotion.  

This week I want to invite you to play with your voice.

Breathe in through your noise and fill up your diaphragm. Change up your tone, your speed, your pace – don’t allow your audience to tune you out because you are speaking in a predictable way. 

Speaking is a full body experience. Without engaging our mind, we may miss the opportunity to make a strong argument. Without connecting to our heart, we may forget why our message is important to share. Without engaging our breath, our words disperse from our lips without their full power. And without engaging our body, we fail to punctuate our message with the appropriate emphasis.

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My interview with the soulful Abigail Mensah-Bonsu on her Sovereign Divinity podcast.

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What is in your heart that you want to express with confidence and conviction?
Share in the comments and I’ll respond! 


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