5 Days of Friendship on Zoom – A Week of Soulful Connection

Kristina BrummerSoul Excellence Leave a Comment

What an incredible week–life over here at Soul Excellence Ventures is on fire!

I’ve jumped back into the playground of technology startups by joining Assurance IQ with the responsibility of building out a User Engagement Team. I have thoroughly enjoyed being thrown into the deep end and working toward aggressive goals with a growing, remote team. I’ve also loved to see who is resonating the most with Soul Excellence. Perhaps unsurprisingly, those that are already high-performers in their chosen field are most attracted to the concept of continuing to excel, but in deeper alignment with their soul’s desire and for the purpose of creating exponential, global impact.

What a time to be alive!

If you’re reading this, chances are you spent some time this week on Zoom to connect with colleagues, friends, or family. Side note: how much do you love the “touch up my appearance” and “spotlight me when I speak” features?

Here’s my salute to five days of friendship on Zoom!

Monday @ 8:30 PM – Reconnected with two of my best friends from high school! I admire these two women so much; both are mothers to eleven month year old boys and handle it with so much grace. I hope to be like them when I have children.

Tuesday @ 7 PM– I call this one “DC Friends Zoom” even though only one of us remains in DC. We met on our first day at Corporate Executive Board (CEB, now Gartner) back in July of 2008 and have stayed close ever since! We got together from CO, TX, FL, and DC to share how the pandemic was impacting our families and careers.

The Women Birthing a New Earth

Wednesday @ 8 PM – A virtual meeting with roughly 15 women, including myself, who will be writing a chapter in the upcoming Awakening in the Times of Corona book. We gathered from all around the world and were led by Adriana Monique Alvarez to learn how to share from the heart in this amazing project.

Thursday @ 7:45 PM – My weekly Business Circle School meeting with four women and one man based in Australia. We are all on a mission to create sustainable, profitable businesses and have been led by the fearless Leigh Jane Woodgate to get clear and connect with our people!

And that brings us to Friday evening.

Friday @ 6 PM – It’s become my favorite weekly ritual – 6 PM virtual yoga with Kim Colletti. I met Kim through my brother, Joey, when I first arrived in Florida six weeks ago. She has provided incredible coaching to help me get stronger and more aligned to enable my physical body to support my big dreams.

Zoom, thank you for enabling me to have the most incredible week by connecting with people around the globe, focusing on new projects, and even getting me to move my body.

Friends, thank you for being amazing. This week I felt so lucky to know such deep, introspective, kind, and ambitious people all over the planet – wow. You are amazing.

Post-script: I did spend most of my work day on Zoom, as evidenced by this “Brady Bunch” photo shared by a new colleague 😂

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