A Lesson from Lego Masters

Kristina BrummerSoul Excellence Leave a Comment

Lego Masters was one of my favorite shows to watch over the early months of quarantine. The talent and creativity of these lifelong Lego aficionados was incredible, and I love watching talented people challenge themselves to perform at the highest level 🧝‍♂️. (Did you know people have entire Lego-dedicated rooms?!)

For me, the best part about the show was witnessing how the Masters created entire universes for their Legos to inhabit. They thoughtfully constructed entire Lego worlds based on a specific theme, deep love, and originality. No detail went overlooked. Every brick – as individual Legos are called – had a purpose. Get inspired by this thoughtful build from the winning couple, Tyler & Amy.

I was reminded of Lego Masters today as I felt into what I want to create with Soul Excellence. Put simply, I want to create an experience and a destination for individuals who feel called to show up as leaders in the world by cultivating their inner wisdom.

I want to design a beautiful space where individuals who desire growth, joy, and impact are fired up and deeply grounded. I intend to create a space for individuals to come together on a pilgrimage inward to the soul…and leave transformed to inspire the world.

It is my deep intention to create this space for you. And for me.

And for all people around the world who desire love, connection, intimacy, excellence, expression, and freedom.

What do you want to see in this world? Which experiences? Which ideas? Which programs? Which colors, scents, and visuals? Which rituals?

I’d love to hear your desires for this sacred, shared space in the comments.

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