Detoxing to Mark the Transition from Quarantine to New Life

Kristina BrummerHealth, Soul Excellence Leave a Comment

After a strong showing in the first month of lockdown, quarantine finally got the best of me. At first, I was feeling good, staying healthy. (See my last post on the 3 things that helped me to level-up during quarantine!) And then a couple weeks back, I dropped into a funk. Instead of running along the boardwalk and making big salads for lunch, I found myself transitioning from a pot of coffee in the morning to french fries with lunch to big pours of wine with dinner. I felt lethargic and uninspired.

Unsurprisingly, my work with Soul Excellence suffered with this downgrade in habits. I stared at my screen waiting for the usual intuitive hit to come to me, but it didn’t. I felt jittery and distracted from my coffee consumption. I felt disappointed that I was indulging in fries with each meal. Or I felt wide-eyed and unfocused from the wine. In that state caused by a return of habits that do not serve me, I could not create authentically. I could not receive and express all that Soul Excellence is and desires to be while also suppressing my mind, body, and soul with substances outside of myself. I started to feel like a hermit crab, retreating into my shell and unable to venture freely. I wanted to change my ways, but found myself uncharacteristically struggling to do so.

That’s when I was introduced to The Spaceholder’s Santuary, a group of women led by Tamala Ridge who commit to a seven-day detox on a quarterly basis so that they can cleanse their bodies of toxins, release anything that no longer serves them, and serve their communities with conviction and ease. Yes to all of that! I wanted to reclaim my physical presence and attune my spirit to the message of Soul Excellence that desires to be shared through me and with you.

So here I am in the first few days of seven day detox to release the toxins in my body and reconnect with my sense of purpose. So far, I’ve felt amazing. I’ve enjoyed the ritual of preparing my morning fresh lemon and ginger tea. I’ve improved my chopping skills as I’ve prepared the ingredients for the “Big Green Salad” for lunch. I’ve savored the smells of simmering soups and eucalyptus baths. I’ve felt nourished, not once hungry. I have felt a bit tired and I’ve toned done my usual pace. Gentle bike rides and yin yoga are for this current time. It’s also been magnificent to read fiction and take an afternoon nap.

And most importantly I’ve been made aware how I was feeding my every whim and emotion with whatever I desired in that moment. Every feeling offered a reason to consume. Frustrated after a long day of work? No matter – time for a glass of Pinot Noir. Annoyed that the beach continues to be closed? That’s fine – I’ll eat a pint of orange sherbert. Happy about sponsoring an event that I care about? Perfect time to celebrate with chocolate!

The real challenge of the detox is the emotional one. It is coming face-to-face with how I feel and how I want to feel. It is recognizing the transitional state from quarantine to a heightened state of consciousness and reckoning. It is an opportunity to purge any fears, any doubts. It is the call to continue to awaken to who I am and what it is I am here to do.

How are you marking the transition from quarantine to your new life infused with more purpose and meaning?

Ready to blend breakfast!

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